Portland’s girls were successful in defeating Dewitt by a score of 21 to 9

Notable scores for Portland Aubree Martin 178 175 Hannah Martin 159 Jessie Whitford 158 Anna Humphrey 158 Olivia Gallt 155
Notable scores for Dewitt Montana Hernandez 198 167 Contancia Lopez 159 154 
This is a very close match between the teams Portland was able to convert on their spares making the victory. This win puts Portland in control of CAAC championship said coach Whitford 
Dewitt boys defeated Portland by a score of 23 to 7
Notable scores for Portland Luke Dalman 257, 243 for a 500 series
Kyle Edlund 201 his high game in competition Josh Rutkowski 190 
Notable scores for Dewitt Dilyan Boiling 227 Kobi Sump 215 187 Alex Miller 204 
Coach William Armour: “These teams always battle to the end today Portland had their first 900 series but we’re beat by Dewitt with a 954, Also what a big night for Luke Dalman shooting a 500 series. There was also a very gutsy performance by Cooper Hoskins whose father had died the day before, prayers are with his family for healing”